地区招商 北京市 河北省 山西省 内蒙古 辽宁省 吉林省 黑龙江 江苏省 安徽省 山东省 河南省 湖北省 湖南省 重庆市 陕西省 甘肃省
当前位置是: 首页 > 种子产品 > 果实蔬菜 > 黄瓜种子 > 庆丰三号黄瓜种子
特征特性: 本品种杂交优势及为显著,露地棚室栽培均适宜。春秋四季保护地露地专用品种,从出苗至采收38-45天,植株生长势强,抗病 性好,瓜条匀直,果长25cm左右,果皮嫩绿白色,果皮不宜变色老化,肉质脆,味清香,商品性好,适宜运输,抗白粉病、霜霉病、枯萎病等。 栽培要点: 苗龄期不宜过长,一般30天左右,秋茬25-30天,亩保苗3500-4000株,施足腐熟的有 机肥适量的氮肥和磷钾肥,保证充足的水肥,每株有2个侧蔓,侧蔓2个瓜后平尖,小水勤灌,以保证坐瓜率,架接有利于提高产量和商品性。 Characteristics of: The crossbreed advantages and significant, are suitable in greenhouse cultivation. In spring and autumn seasons to protect special breed, from seedling to harvest day 38-45, plant has strong growth potential, good resistance, melon and fruit 25cm around a long, straight, white skin peel green, not changing color, succulent crisp, taste fragrance, commodity sex is good, suitable for transportation, downy mildew, powdery mildew, Fusarium wilt. Main points of cultivation: Seedling age period should not be too long, generally 30 days, autumn day 25-30, acres of seedlings of 3500-4000 strains, apply sufficient maturity of organic fertilizer amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, to ensure adequate water, each line having 2 side stem, lateral stem 2 melon flat point, small ground irrigation water, to ensure that sit melon rate, frame connected to improve the yield and commodity.


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